Sunday, February 1, 2009

it's been a long time coming

It's been a long time since I blogged...since I ran also. Well, turns out my metatarsals were just was the ligaments between them that were inflamed...whatever that means. I was prescribed anti inflamatory meds that both cured the pain in my foot and gave me a new one in my stomach!!! So, i took that for 2 whole days before I dropped it and, the pain only came back 2 days ago... Whatever...I am NOT taking that crap again. I'd rather just ..suffer through it I suppose, anyway it's not as bad anymore.

In the meantime, of course, I have not been running and, as a direct result of my mostly vegetative state (sit at work, sit at home) I have three extra pounds on my already generous frame :(

As if that is not enough, I met a man in my Italian class that is a REAL hardcore runner...not like me, 20-odd minutes on a good day, but 1.5 hours outside runs rain, or shine, or ice and snow and -30, for that matter!!! The man is impressive. Short, but impressive. And very sweet too. He offers me advice...main of which is to run OUTSIDE. Advice that I will keep in my pocket till spring cause, really, the cold is enough to keep me from any fresh air run. Add to that snow, ice and wind and you have enough of a reason to prefer 3 extra pounds!!!

Of course, the treadmill is a safe alternative... though the dry air sometimes makes me wish I was made of harder stuff to go for a run outdoors... but, all things in good time.

I foresee my next run... wednesday. After work.

Dear foot, you need to heal by then. COMPLETELY.

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